Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cultural Artifact

There are many different types of cultural artifacts that apply to every type of race. One particular type of race that has a lot of cultural artifacts that apply to them is African Americans. One particular example of a cultural artifact is music. The type of music is actually the cultural artifact because there are so many different kinds. In particular for African Americans they type of music that is a cultural artifact is rap, hip hop, soul, jazz, and R&B type of music. These specific genres of music are typically considered as African American cultural artifacts. They are considered cultural artifacts for African Americans because these are the genres of music that this particular race tends to listen to. Jazz music is considered a cultural artifact for African Americans because African Americans were the first ones who tried playing this particular type of music and they were also the people who created this particular style of music. They made this style of music during the Harlem Renaissance during the blues area, when they were talking and creating new music about their troubles. Rap is considered a cultural artifact because this specific genre of music because they are the ones who dominate this specific genre of .They are also considered cultural artifacts because this type of music is dominated by them and some of these were made by them. Hip Hop genre of music could also be considered a cultural artifact for African Americans because it is one of their major music genres. Hip hop is slowing moving to become more of a diverse genre of music, however it is still dominated by African Americans. R&B can be considered a cultural artifact for African Americans because like hip hop it is a style of music that is typically dominated by African Americans. These specific styles of music are considered cultural artifacts for African Americans because it defines some of the African American population. This is a cultural artifact because it is what the race usually listens to and it could be used to define them. Even if someone who was an African American and didn’t listen to or liked these particular styles of music, someone on the street who saw them or someone who has just recently met them would assume that they like and listen to these particular styles of music. These people who usually listen to these styles of music are usually stereotyped as a gangster. They would be stereotyped as a gangster or a trouble maker because of the lyrics at is in most of these songs. Almost all of the lyrics to rap, hip hop, and R&B songs are either offensive or mean. The lyrics in these songs also usually classify the listener and African Americans as gangsters because a hand full of these songs talk about being in a gang and doing things gangs usually do. Also the lyrics in these songs are usually about hardships and troubles that people are usually going through, like losing a family member at a very young age. They intend to do this in order to relate to African Americans because the artist feels like the African American society would be able to relate to these particular lyrics. African Americans usually tend to relate to these lyrics that the artist are making, so it is usually related to them, whether they like it or not. This makes it a good cultural artifact for the African American race because it tells the story of a good amount of African Americans, that race dominates the specific styles of music and are stereotyped because of it. They are considered cultural artifacts also because they are usually associated with this specific race, and helps associate them with a specific stereotype.

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